Mayor Susumu Inamine of Nago City, Okinawa, an Island south of Japan, made a direct appeal to the US government to back off on plans to build a military air base at Henoko on the island coast, saying Okinawans had been “enduring a heavy burden.” He visited New York and […]
Monthly Archives: May 2014
New York On May 24th, more than 1,600 people participated in a global protest against Monsanto in New York City. People gathered in Union Square, many dressed as bees and carrying homemade signs. Video of comedian Lee Camp at Union Square: We’re in the middle of a drop-down, drag-out bloody […]
Maryland residents took their doubts about the integrity of a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission review of a major industrial project to their U.S. Senators today. They believe FERC came up short with respect to the draft Environmental Assessment (EA) that the agency released last week for the Cove Point project, […]
At a panel hosted by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Capitol Hill today, advocates for single payer healthcare criticized the current system in the U.S. as inefficient, expensive and delivering poor results in comparison to wealthy nations who offer universal health coverage to their citizens. “We have a completely irrational […]
At the “Baltimore Economic Democracy Conference, Building Our Economy Together” conference, Dr. Margaret Flowers posed the question, “What would it look like if we had an economy that put people and environment before corporate profits?” The conference, free to the public, was held at The Real News Network studio in […]
FCC Commissioners held a public hearing on May 15 where they voted 3 to 2 to move ahead with rules which could put an end to Net neutrality. Outside the FCC building, protestors had been camped out for days to draw attention to the potential for big changes in who […]
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on May 15 issued its Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) on the Cove Point LNG terminal expansion. The draft EA concludes that the Cove Point project would not “significantly affect the quality of the human environment” and recommends a finding of “no significant impact.” It […]
Feedback on proposed FCC rules governing internet access that might create “fast lanes” for those who can pay for them is only increasing as Thursday’s meeting of FCC Commissioners approaches. Gigi Sohn, FCC chair Tom Wheeler’s special counsel for external affairs, held a Q&A via Twitter today. Tweets with the […]
By Anne Meador and John Zangas Commissioners on an FCC panel which could determine the future of the Internet are feeling the heat this week as protest intensifies against a new set of Open Internet rules proposed by Chair Tom Wheeler. Advocates for Net Neutrality claim the rules would result […]
Dominion Resources convened its annual shareholder meeting on May 7 in Cleveland, Ohio amidst controversy surrounding its plans to build a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal in southern Maryland. Protestors from Maryland, Virginia and Ohio environmental groups gathered outside the meeting to demonstrate against the Cove Point plant. They […]
The conviction of Occupy Wall Street protestor Cecily McMillan for assault on a police officer shows that the judiciary is corrupt and dissent will not be tolerated. We can no longer call ourselves a democratic society, and as Chris Hedges says, we are living in the “post-constitutional era.” Since 9/11, […]
Three members of the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance (NCNR) were arrested at NSA headquarters at Fort Meade, Maryland when they obstructed a roadway outside the base’s gates and refused to leave. About twenty protestors in all staged a theatrical “die-in” and read the names of one hundred children they […]