Palestinians, Jews and Christians rallied at the Department of State before marching to the White House on Sunday in protest of continuing Israeli attacks on Gaza. Their message to Israel: We want the attacks on Gaza to stop, with freedom and autonomy for Palestine.

The dramatic procession was led by youth dressed in black robes with chalk white death masks, symbolizing the carnage in Gaza as tensions continue to escalate there. They carried a table displayed with tombstones, as thousands followed them chanting “Free-free Palestine.” The non-violent march was supported by a broad coalition of groups from across the region.
Tighe Berry, an organizer with Code Pink, Women of Peace, said, “This is not about religion, it is about stealing land.” He has traveled to Gaza on several delegations to learn about the hardships Palestinians face. “A Muslim life is just as valuable as a Christian life, is just as valuable as a Jewish life,” he said.
Rabbi David Feldman, of Neturei Karta International, spoke outside the State Department, decrying the attacks on Gaza. “As Jewish people we say that not all Jewish people support this; many masses of Jewish people worldwide are in total opposition, outraged, pained by what is happening in Gaza,” he said.
Rabbi Feldman spoke of the occupation of Palestine. “This entire occupation is wrong, not only for a couple of days but for decades. This is a violation of international law and a violation against Jewish law.”
Ann Wright, a former Army officer who has visited Gaza and was part of a flotilla which tried to break the naval blockade of Gaza, placed blame at the foot of the Department of State. “Thousands of Palestinians have been killed over the decades of occupation. John Kerry as the Secretary of State is responsible.”
John Kerry expressed his frustration with Israeli attacks on Gaza in off-camera comments before a Sunday talk show, “It’s a hell of a pinpoint operation, it’s a hell of a pinpoint operation,” he said to an aide.
As the march moved up Constitution Avenue, Palestinian youth wore black and white print keffiyeh scarves in solidarity with Gaza; adults carried children on their shoulders. Traffic stopped while motorists recorded the protest on their cell phones.

Surprised tourists recorded the boisterous crowd of protestors as they arrived at the White House. Speakers voiced demands that the Obama administration stop funding Israel with 3 billion per year in military aid.
Meanwhile in Gaza, Israeli attacks killed 99 Gazans on Sunday, the bloodiest day yet, bringing to 437 the total number killed since the attacks began. Israel reported 13 IDF soldiers had been killed on Sunday as the ground offensive pushed into North Gaza, proving any gains against Hamas would come at a heavy price.
“We have a message to the people of Gaza and Palestine,” said Rabbi Feldman. “We carry with you, we feel your pain. We see the footage and images of of Gaza-we carry with you Gaza.”