Thousands of environmentalist and Occupy Wall Street activists gathered in Battery Park early Monday morning In the wake of the Climate change march on Sunday, September 21st, preparing to engage in a civil disobedience action on Wall Street. Around 11:00, the activists marched to Broadway where they took to the street, with […]
Monthly Archives: September 2014
The People’s Climate March drew an estimated 300,000 – more green-energy minded people -to one place ever in history on Sunday. The historic march rivaled civil rights and anti-nuclear mobilizations of the 60s and 80s, effectively ushering in a new era of mainstream environmental activism. Crowds walked from Central Park […]
As thousands of individuals make their way to New York City for the People Climate March, DC Media Group has several correspondents at the event. We will be gathering updates throughout today and posting them here as the event progresses. The People’s Climate March is today in New York City. The […]
The People’s Climate March is finishing plans for the September 21st event in New York City. The march is being coordinated in response to UN Secretary Ban Ki-Moon’s call to world leaders to meet on September 22 and 23 to discuss global disruptions posed by climate change. Secretary Moon will […]
Earlier this week, The Metropolitan Museum of Art held a gala to unveil their newly renovated fountains and plaza. Attending the gala was a cavalcade of wealthy patrons, a large squad of private security, and a handful of protesters who came to thank the man being honored for making the […]
Almost a hundred people rallied at the Arlington, Virginia headquarters of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) on September 4 to protest Dominion Resources’ relationship with the shady group. By law, Dominion holds a monopoly for power production in Virginia. ALEC partners member corporations such as Dominion with state legislators […]
At the Washington, D.C. office of Senator Elizabeth Warren members of the peace and social justice movement CODEPINK converged and protested recent statements made by the Senator. “Why is Senator Warren, who stands up for the ‘little guy’ in the face of big banks and corrupt corporations in America, siding with big […]
Before most people had even gotten out of bed this morning, hundreds of protesters and striking workers gathered outside McDonald’s in Times Square. The crowds gathered in response to a call for a national day of action to pressure Congress into approving a minimum wage hike to fifteen dollars per […]