Davinia “Panama” Miles, 42, and her husband, Byron, nicknamed “B”, 49, sit at the corner coffee shop overlooking McPherson square. They find temporary warmth and a place to chat, insulated from the heavy rush-hour traffic. They charge phones and warm their hands, part of their nightly ritual before heading out onto the street and […]
Monthly Archives: December 2014
Anthony, 47 years old, is friendly as he greets me in McPherson Square on Christmas. “What have you got for me?” he asks. His companion, “Chico,” is an obedient Pit Bull mix and looks up suspiciously as I go through my bag to find something for him to eat. Chico […]
It’s dusk on Christmas Eve. A white van of Samaritans stops at the corner of Eye Street. On queue the men shuffle to its hatch and line up. She opens its side door at the curb. At McPherson the men linger late into the night, waiting for food, gloves, hats, and tonight’s menu: steamy […]
They occupy alleys and benches, the side doorways of office buildings and dead spaces behind dumpsters. They hobble along sidewalks, looking for change, food and clothing. “Can you spare quarters, dimes, nickels?” A homeless man asks each night near McPherson Park. Others linger near the metro entrance waiting for the van from Martha’s Table […]
Several fracking activists gathered outside of Governor Cuomo’s office in New York City today to celebrate the Governors surprise decision to ban fracking in New York next year. Governor Cuomo made the decision after being presented with a report from the Commissioners of Health and Environment that led him to determine […]
New York, NY- Like the waves of a tsunami tens of thousands surged through Manhattan on Saturday to decry police violence and the killings of unarmed Blacks. The Millions March reflected growing public anger towards a broken justice system tilting towards police impunity for misconduct. The Millions March was “unlike […]
Washington, D.C.,-Reverend Al Sharpton and the National Action Network (NAN) got a special visit from a group today at the Justice For All March: hard ground Ferguson protestors. Judging from the activity on the stage at Freedom Plaza, it is clear that protestors who made an 800-mile trip from Ferguson, […]
Washington, D.C.,- At least 12 mothers of children killed by police stood in a brisk wind at the Department of Justice Wednesday night to speak out against police brutality. They recounted the lives of their loved ones cut short and demanded reform to the justice system, prosecution of police who kill […]
New York, New York- A grand jury declined to indict police officer Daniel Pantaleo in the chokehold death of Eric Garner today. Garner, an unarmed Black man was being arrested in Brooklyn on suspicion of selling unlicensed cigarettes when Pantaleo used a banned practice to subdue Garner. The entire incident was caught on […]
New York City- While the country has it’s attention focused on Ferguson, Mo in the wake of the Grand Jury decision to not indict officer Darren Wilson, people in cities all across America took to the streets in solidarity with the protesters in Ferguson. In New York City, those protests […]