Washington, D.C.,-Reverend Al Sharpton and the National Action Network (NAN) got a special visit from a group today at the Justice For All March: hard ground Ferguson protestors. Judging from the activity on the stage at Freedom Plaza, it is clear that protestors who made an 800-mile trip from Ferguson, Mo we not invited to speak as representatives from NAN shooed the activity.
After several minutes of chaos on the stage and overwhelming calls from the crowd to “let them speak,” representatives from the Ferguson contingent prevailed and were given the stage.
“We have been out here in Ferguson, DC and New York, we started this uprising,” an unidentified woman said as she took the microphone. Eventually, Johnetta Elzie of Ferguson was introduced to the crowd. “I have been out on the streets for 127 days, been shoot with a rubber bullet and tear gassed nine times in my neighborhood, where I pay taxes, all for asserting my first amendment rights,” Elzie said. “I love Mike Brown and his family, I never even met him and I protest for him everyday,” Elize added from the stage at Freedom Plaza.
It is truly a sad state of affairs if these women or any of the 25 others that traveled from Ferguson were not invited to speak at the rally, after all thousands of people assembled today to protest events that took place in their community. In other words, the Ferguson protestors are the reason that police brutality is in the national spotlight and contrary to belief that reverend Al Sharpton is leading the cause.
For a compelte account of what took place, see the video by Robert Brune below.