On Saturday, March 21, Cindy Sheehan’s Soap Box People’s Network rallied with Answer Coalition and over 50 groups in Washington, D.C. outside the White House to demand the U.S. end its campaign of “endless wars” in the Middle East and Africa. Sheehan joined a dozen speakers decrying U.S. involvement in […]
Monthly Archives: March 2015
3 posts
On March 20th over fifty groups will gather in Washington, DC to call for an end to U.S. involvement with the continuing conflict in the Middle East. “Spring Rising” will present teachings all day Friday, March 20th at University of DC Law Center. The next day, anti-war actions will mark […]
The “Save the Internet” fight waged against telecoms for Net Neutrality was an epic David vs. Goliath battle. Grassroots Net activists with little funding and handmade signs were pitted against deep-pocket telecom Titans and legions of lobbyists skilled at smoothing Congressional corridors. Ultimately, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) debated and […]