by Cool Revolution The Newseum in Washington, DC describes its mission as “educating the public about the value of a free press in a free society.” Yet a handful of protestors today accused the Newseum of abandoning its principles and succumbing to political pressure. The protestors, including Students Against Israeli […]
Medea Benjamin of CODEPINK made waves when she interrupted President Obama during his policy address at the National Defense University on May 23. 2013. Even the President said, “That woman is worth paying attention to.” Benjamin spoke to Cool Revolution about Obama’s speech on drone strikes in the Mideast and […]
by Anne Meador Protestors blocked the front door of corporate law firm Covington and Burling today, labeling it a “Wall Street Revolving Door.” A former Department of Justice official who now works at the firm, they say, is an example of a “revolving door” policy between government and private sector […]
By: Keith Wrightson Each year, thousands of working men and women die on the job. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4,609 workers in 2011 did not return home from a day’s work (2012 data will be available later this year). On April 28, we observe Workers Memorial Day […]
by John Zangas More than 140 organizations, including labor unions, healthcare advocates, environmentalists and consumer groups, rallied in Washington D.C. on Saturday, April 20 in support of legislation to tax Wall Street financial transactions. Supporters of the Inclusive Prosperity Tax wore Robin Hood costumes to dramatize the so-called “Robin Hood […]
by Anne Meador “Citizenship–the time is now!” rang from Capitol Hill yesterday at the Immigration Reform Rally. Thousands packed the West Lawn to tell Congress that comprehensive reform of immigration policy–and a pathway to citizenship–is needed now. They couldn’t have picked a better time. Although planned for months by a […]
by Robert Brune On Monday April 8th, Occupy Monsanto organized a rally at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ask the administration to label Genetic Modified Organisms (GMOs) in the food supply. Many of the participants expressed their frustration with the FDA and elected officials in Washington, DC who […]
by John Zangas As the Supreme Court hears the DOMA arguments, I’m reflecting on the historic events outside the Court over the past few days. What has struck me most is the spirit and resolve of the families I met on the Court steps. The voices of their children were especially moving […]