The Baltimore Curfew Highlighted A Racial Divide Between How Police Dealt With White and Black Protesters While many of the demonstrators in Baltimore questioned the legality of the Mayor Rawlings-Blake imposed curfew (which began on April 28th), tensions came to a climax on Saturday May 2nd with a city wide action to […]
Baltimore Police
3 posts
Harold Perry lives directly across the street from the location where members of the Baltimore Police Department (BPD) first detained Freddie Gray. On April 12th, 2015 Mr. Perry observed the entire situation unfold. While Harold is legally blind, his hearing and memory of the violent way the BPD apprehended and seemingly mishandled Freddie […]
As residents of Baltimore and concerned citizens around the country expressed frustration and outrage over the death of Freddie Gray on April 19th, 2015, very few expressed themselves with such passion and clarity as Marcus (a resident of Washington DC) who we met one of the many Baltimore City Hall demonstrations. […]