Early this morning, Chelsea Manning was released from Fort Leavenworth after seven years of imprisonment for releasing thousands of documents, cables and videos to Wikileaks. The video “Collateral Murder,” which showed the cold-blooded killing of Reuters journalists and Iraqi civilians by American soldiers in an Apache helicopter, provided visual evidence […]
Bradley Manning
3 posts
Several hundred supporters of Bradley Manning, the Army private who released classified documents to media group Wikileaks while stationed in Iraq, turned out in sweltering heat two days before Manning’s court martial is scheduled to begin. They gathered at the main gate of Fort Meade and marched about a mile […]
“I’m here to celebrate an American hero, and a hero of the first amendment, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of thought. And Bradley Manning has really stood for that all his life. In a way he’s been an outlier for a long time and I admire him […]