The land of the free got a little smaller this week when cutters from Williams Partners Company began clear-cutting trees on the Zeffer-Holleran property, readying it for construction of the Constitution pipeline. Five acres of the property were condemned under eminent domain to build the natural gas pipeline. A dozen […]
Constitution Pipeline
3 posts
“Clean energy policy means never having to say you’re sorry.” A twist on the catchphrase from the movie Love Story was the message delivered on Wednesday by anti-fracking activists to heads of a federal energy agency. Hoping that the four current voting members of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) […]
Clear-cutting of trees on a Pennsylvania family farm for the Constitution Pipeline was held off another day by successful negotiations between property owners and pipeline company representatives. The discussion was backed up by a large group of pipeline opponents, who stood ready to block the incursion of tree cutters. Dozens […]