Washington DC—In a time of crisis it is natural to look outward for wisdom to guide us through uncertainty. But that wisdom can come from the most unexpected place and in the most unexpected way. And on Monday during the FiftyFiftyOne protest in Washington DC no one expected children’s book […]
Drag Queen Story Hour
Washington DC—Don’t be fooled about who’s really in charge at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington DC. The Drag and Trans community put on their own street show of resistance right out in front of the arts center Thursday night. A Drag Queen entourage led street dances […]
Washington DC—Once again a diverse group of citizens from the Washington DC community showed up to a Drag Queen Story Hour with their rainbow parasols and rainbow flags to protect it from a hate group attempt to disrupt it. The child’s book reading venue was held in Southeast Washington DC […]
Washington DC—A grassroots citizens collective calling themselves the Parasol Patrol decisively sidelined a hate group’s attempt to disrupt another Drag Queen Story Hour held in Southeast Washington DC on Saturday morning. Citizens who were fed up with the violent hate group’s attacks in local communities showed up by the hundreds […]
Silver Spring, Maryland—A family day story hour at a local book store for children and their parents turned violent outside when about 30 Proud Boys from the local chapter of the Old Line Proud Boys attempted to gain access to the event on Saturday. The hate group members beat, kicked, […]