Washington, DC–The U.S. Senate voted 52-47 to reject an FCC rule change that would end Net Neutrality. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai led the charge last year to strip protections which require Internet Service Providers to treat all web traffic equally. The 4-1 FCC vote last December effectively privatized the Internet […]
The fight for a free and open Internet gained new hope this week as Senators met a critical threshold under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to force a vote on last month’s rule change by the FCC. The Senate will vote within 60 legislative days on whether to vacate an […]
While hundreds of activists rallied outside the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and millions more held their breath, FCC commissioners voted 3-2 to give the keys of the Internet to the Telecoms without charging them a single dime. Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Comcast got permission to take control of the […]
Washington, DC — Over 200 Net Neutrality supporters braved bitter cold at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Wednesday to make sure Commissioners know they won’t stand by quietly if it cedes control of the Internet to a handful of telecoms. The rally came a day before a critical vote […]
Washington, DC — Groups against a two-tiered Internet are rallying to beat back FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai’s plan to end Net Neutrality, which will affect users’ ability to access thousands of websites. They are mobilizing with support from activists for a two-day “Break The Internet” effort to temporarily shut down […]
Web companies joined thousands of individuals on Wednesday, July 12 in the largest ever Internet action to stop an FCC plan to end Net Neutrality. Digital rights advocacy group Fight for the Future reported that an unprecedented number of web companies, groups, organizations, and individuals signed up and joined the […]
Washington, DC Google and Facebook confirmed they will join with other Internet companies to protest of FCC plans to roll back Net Neutrality protections. The largest ever Internet protest will take place on July 12 and involve a variety of actions to tell the public that FCC plans to end […]
Washington, DC The fight over control of the Internet has reignited as advocates for Net Neutrality draw battle lines against deep pocket telecoms. Last month FCC Chairman Ajit Pai signaled his intention to give control of the backbone of U.S. communications to the telecoms. If this battle sounds familiar, it’s […]
In June 2015, activists from hundreds of groups with both conservative and liberal agendas–backed up by 3.7 million comments submitted by ordinary Internet users—won a huge victory for Net Neutrality. FCC commissioners did not hand over control of the Internet to the big telecommunications companies, as they had wanted to […]
The “Save the Internet” fight waged against telecoms for Net Neutrality was an epic David vs. Goliath battle. Grassroots Net activists with little funding and handmade signs were pitted against deep-pocket telecom Titans and legions of lobbyists skilled at smoothing Congressional corridors. Ultimately, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) debated and […]
The future of the Internet is being considered by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). You have until July 15th to submit comments. On July 1, people who support protecting Internet equality–equal access for everyone–without wealthy corporations being able to buy better service than the rest of us, came together to […]
FCC Commissioners held a public hearing on May 15 where they voted 3 to 2 to move ahead with rules which could put an end to Net neutrality. Outside the FCC building, protestors had been camped out for days to draw attention to the potential for big changes in who […]