Washington DC—Thousands surrounded the White House Saturday with a ‘people’s red line’ message to the Biden administration to stop funding and supporting Israel’s war on Gaza. At midday, hundreds unfurled and circled the White House with a 2 mile long red banner with names of thousands of Palestinians slain by […]
Washington, DC—Tens of thousands rallied in Freedom Plaza and marched through the Nation’s Capital in support of Palestinians in what may be the biggest action ever taken here on behalf of Gaza. Awashed in a sea of waving Palestinian flags—black, white, green, red—speakers with relatives in Gaza told of the […]
At the Washington, D.C. office of Senator Elizabeth Warren members of the peace and social justice movement CODEPINK converged and protested recent statements made by the Senator. “Why is Senator Warren, who stands up for the ‘little guy’ in the face of big banks and corrupt corporations in America, siding with big […]
Hundreds of peace activists assembled at the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC on Friday in protest of Israeli Defense Force (IDF) air strikes on Gaza. Protestors from groups including Code Pink Women for Peace, Answer Coalition, Emma’s Revolution, and Students for Justice in Palestine displayed banners and signs and banged […]
by Cool Revolution The Newseum in Washington, DC describes its mission as “educating the public about the value of a free press in a free society.” Yet a handful of protestors today accused the Newseum of abandoning its principles and succumbing to political pressure. The protestors, including Students Against Israeli […]