Washington, DC–Palestinians and supporters gathered at the White House on Sunday afternoon to rebuke the lobby American-Israel Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC), for its lopsided influence over U.S. governmental policy. Speakers called out its role in supporting Israeli government policies affecting the Occupied Territories, which they say mimic apartheid policies of […]
Washington, DC — A dozen groups, including Al-Awda, Jewish Voices for Peace and Answer Coalition, protested the annual conference of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). After rallying for Palestinian rights at the White House, large numbers of protesters marched to the conference site, where lines of police officers […]
Palestinians and Jews demonstrated with supporters at the White House on Saturday, decrying escalating violence against Palestinians in East Jerusalem and the Occupied Territories. They called for an end to U.S. aid to Israel, claiming it funds military equipment used in the violent clashes and repression there. Palestinians and Jews […]
At the Washington, D.C. office of Senator Elizabeth Warren members of the peace and social justice movement CODEPINK converged and protested recent statements made by the Senator. “Why is Senator Warren, who stands up for the ‘little guy’ in the face of big banks and corrupt corporations in America, siding with big […]
Hundreds of peace activists assembled at the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC on Friday in protest of Israeli Defense Force (IDF) air strikes on Gaza. Protestors from groups including Code Pink Women for Peace, Answer Coalition, Emma’s Revolution, and Students for Justice in Palestine displayed banners and signs and banged […]