Director James Spione premiered his documentary film “Silenced” at the Goethe Institute in Washington, DC on Saturday, April 10. “Silenced” features three prominent whistleblowers: former US Department of Justice attorney Jesselyn Radack, former NSA Senior Director Thomas Drake, and former CIA Analyst John Kiriakou, all who paid a heavy price […]
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on Tuesday approved the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) by a vote of 12-3. The controversial bill is now likely to move on to a full Senate vote. CISA is a rigorous certification program which allows private firms to access levels of security previously […]
On the anniversary of the first news story based on Edward Snowden NSA leaks, Fight for the Future and other Internet privacy advocates are taking matters into their own hands. Legislators have failed to own up to the illegality of the NSA programs which collect massive amounts of data on […]
The conviction of Occupy Wall Street protestor Cecily McMillan for assault on a police officer shows that the judiciary is corrupt and dissent will not be tolerated. We can no longer call ourselves a democratic society, and as Chris Hedges says, we are living in the “post-constitutional era.” Since 9/11, […]
Three members of the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance (NCNR) were arrested at NSA headquarters at Fort Meade, Maryland when they obstructed a roadway outside the base’s gates and refused to leave. About twenty protestors in all staged a theatrical “die-in” and read the names of one hundred children they […]
CODEPINK Women for Peace and the Maryland Light Brigade held light panels at the White House Thursday night, spelling out #STOPSPYING while hundreds of tourists watched. They were demonstrating against NSA spying on U.S. citizens and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funded fusion centers across the country. Edward Snowden exposed […]
Civil liberties activists were outside the Department of Justice on January 17, 2014 while President Obama addressed the nation about NSA surveillance reforms.
People traveled from across the country to participate in the Stop Watching Us Rally, a protest against the National Security Agency’s mass surveillance programs. Sponsored by over one hundred organizations, the event drew participants from a broad political spectrum, including the Tea Party, the Libertarian Party and Occupy Wall Street. They delivered […]