Washington, DC—From the beginning to end, incompetence was the primary theme of the US political, military, and intelligence failures to work in a responsible manner by any stretch of imaginable leadership standards. As the fall of Kabul unfolds, it’s time to revisit the events that led so many nations […]
Washington DC On Sunday At exactly 7:02 PM, peace activists Philipos Melaku-Bello and Cliff Roberts sit quietly at the Peace Vigil in front of the North Portico of the White House. They mark the moment when 72 years ago the U.S. dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima. But this […]
Washington DC Veterans rallied this weekend at the Lincoln Memorial calling for a new global peace initiative. Veterans For Peace (VFP), CODEPINK Women For Peace, and Iraq Veterans For Peace, were among a dozen anti-war groups calling on the Trump Administration to invest funding in diplomacy and peace instead of […]
Washington, DC – Peace activists, bands, music, art and community unity made a perfect recipe for a peace festival on Mothers Day weekend at the White House on Saturday. The theme was creating a society free of violence so families could thrive. Several hundred took part in the event hosted […]
On March 20th over fifty groups will gather in Washington, DC to call for an end to U.S. involvement with the continuing conflict in the Middle East. “Spring Rising” will present teachings all day Friday, March 20th at University of DC Law Center. The next day, anti-war actions will mark […]