Washington DC—Groups opposed to war rallied outside the White House to condemn the Administration’s role in a military buildup in Europe and warned war between superpowers would come at great cost. Speakers questioned why the U.S. is involved in yet another conflict less than a year after the end of […]
US military
Washington, DC—From the beginning to end, incompetence was the primary theme of the US political, military, and intelligence failures to work in a responsible manner by any stretch of imaginable leadership standards. As the fall of Kabul unfolds, it’s time to revisit the events that led so many nations […]
An anti-fascist comedian has earned a Green Party nomination to run for the New York 27th District Congressional seat. The New York State Board of Elections announced Mike Gamms’ candidacy on Friday, February 20, after the Green Party of Erie and Monroe counties nominated him. He is running in a […]
On March 20th over fifty groups will gather in Washington, DC to call for an end to U.S. involvement with the continuing conflict in the Middle East. “Spring Rising” will present teachings all day Friday, March 20th at University of DC Law Center. The next day, anti-war actions will mark […]
Mayor Susumu Inamine of Nago City, Okinawa, an Island south of Japan, made a direct appeal to the US government to back off on plans to build a military air base at Henoko on the island coast, saying Okinawans had been “enduring a heavy burden.” He visited New York and […]